Prevention & Education Hub

Corenect Wellness Hub

Never too early, never too late


Welcome to our preventative hub, where you can actively engage in healthcare as we believe that your health is an investment, not an expense! As Physiotherapists, we have identified a need for a supportive branch of our already successful practices and that is in the line of prevention and education because knowledge is power and prevention is better than cure!

Corenect is the fulfilment of a God given vision of unity, patient empowerment, and compassionate care within the Healthcare industry. Founder, Amy Rayment registered the business in complete faith in 2014 whilst studying Physiotherapy at UCT.

I knew nothing about business as a student but knew that this was a calling, to positively influence the industry I was about to embark in, without any idea of how it would manifest.

7 years later, Corenect’s first division was birthed in 2020, Corenect Physiotherapy. The team of Physiotherapists continue to grow with all aspects of Physiotherapy being covered within our 3 successful practices in East London. 4 years into practice and after enduring the effects of the Covid pandemic, we have identified a need within our current model of healthcare to work toward a supportive, Preventative Healthcare model.

It is with this understanding that we wish to collaborate with like-minded Healthcare professionals to encourage a mindset of prevention over cure by empowering our community to be well informed of their individual healthcare needs and assess possible risks or threats early to prevent illness, disease, and injury.

 We are also in the process of developing our Corenect Wellness centre focusing on general wellness, mindfulness, injury prevention, sports & post-op recovery and rehabilitation. Our services aim to address the whole individual, pertaining to Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual wellbeing.


Aqua Therapy



Needs Analysis

Corenect is a developing collaborative brand of differing Preventative Healthcare services rooted in compassionate care and integrity. We strive to aid our current medical model of healthcare by ensuring a holistic, multi-disciplinary effort to maintaining health by incorporating early screening, assessment, education and empowerment of the individual to make autonomous, active choices toward sustainable healthcare. We wish to lessen the burden on our predominant curative healthcare model which often breeds dependency, whereby patients lack self-awareness, autonomy in decision making and have poor understanding of root cause of the problem. We have become a society of fast paced living that seeks instant gratification and ‘quick fix solutions’ which isn’t always true to the natural healing process and gives a false sense of achievable health by masking symptoms, deepening healthcare problems. Our mission is to collectively educate and encourage healthy habits within mind, body, and soul. We realise a further growing issue of private Healthcare treatment being inaccessible for many due to economic hardship and unaffordability with an overwhelmed State Healthcare crisis. We strive to offer solutions to this problem by providing more affordable services of prevention through early identification screening and holistic management. Physical issues are not independent from mental or emotional stress and we have realised, post pandemic, that we must ensure multi-disciplinary collaboration of assessment and treatment in order to realise true healing over symptom management that we so often witness.

Jacky Leach

I was referred to Amy by a friend as I was experiencing a sore and uncomfortable frozen shoulder after a recent operation.  From not being able to even pull the bedsheet over me, now I am back at gym and well on the way to FULL recovery. Her technique is brilliant. Her knowledge is phenomenal, her work ethic outstanding and I would highly recommend her to anyone needing physio.

Avela Ndamase

I’m a runner and last year while training for my first Comrades Marathon I picked up the dreaded Achilles tendinitis. Amy talked me through how severe the injury was but assured me she would do everything in her power to try get me to the start line. She worked tirelessly on the Achilles injury, I have no doubt that I wouldn’t have got my first Comrades medal without Amy

Patty L

My father has been hospitalized about three times in the last year, and because Cameron assists patients whilst in hospital.he managed to get Dad exercising as well as up and mobile to improve his physical and emotional wellbeing.

Milind Chitnis

Excellent, competent, skilled and knowledgeable physios with “good heart”, who care for their patients and provide a high quality service. Highly recommended.

Yoliswa Sinyanya

Never in my lifetime had I received such an outstanding service from a Physiotherapist before. I’m now hooked and confidently call her My Physiotherapist. Thank you Candice once more for the outstanding service

Sharne Markus

I was in alot of pain in my lower back and started searching for places to go as meds were not working.  After going for my 1st dry needling session I could already feel the difference.  My back was in a very bad state and by the 3rd session all my pain was gone. – Frans Markus